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Directorate of English

The Directorate of English was established in February 2017 as an answer to the growing bilingualism at Colegio Seminario. Its main aim is to ensure and continue to develop the learning of English at school, with a commitment to excellence. The creation of this Directorate is also a major sign of the institution’s vision and capacity for change in order to adapt to the academic requirements our students face nowadays and will continue to face in the future.

This Directorate’s main duty is to articulate the learning of English - and through English - across all the years of instruction at Colegio Seminario, paying special attention to the links and connections between the different sectors to ensure a continuum in the students’ learning experience of the language. It is also responsible - together with the Academic Directorate- for the hiring, professional development and assessment of teachers of English working at this school.

The members of this Directorate meet on a regular basis to work collaboratively and to discuss the main issues of concern for the institution regarding this area. At the same time the Directorate and its members work very closely with the school’s Academic Director , the Heads of the different Departments (academic and non-academic) as well as with the Directors from the different sectors, coordinating programmes and activities, supporting teachers and making decisions as to the best courses of action to be taken.

It is also the Directorate’s duty to build bridges with other Jesuit institutions in order to promote different student and teacher exchange programmes that lead to an enrichment of the learning experience, taking even beyond the school or our country.

Since its establishment in February 2017 Ms Maria Ines Berasain has been in charge as Director of English. Also taking part in the Directorate of English are: Ms. Alejandra Oliveri as Head of English for Secondary, Ms. Daniela Nalerio as Head of English for Primary and Preschool and Ms. Sofía Rodríguez as Deputy Head for Preschool, together with Ms. Rosina Dabezies as PA to the Director of English.

Director of English: Ms. María Inés Berasain
PA to Director of English: Ms. María Rosina Dabezies
ext. 284


Acerca del Colegio

El Colegio Seminario forma parte de la red de instituciones educativas católicas de la Compañía de Jesús (Jesuitas), presente en 127 países. Inspirado en la Iglesia y los valores del Evangelio, el Seminario procura una educación según la visión que la espiritualidad ignaciana ofrece de Dios, la persona y el mundo.



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