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Department of Natural Sciences

This department aims to develop an integral vision of computing in education, with the goal of promoting a responsible, critical and autonomous use of information and technology among our students. We aspire to do so taking advantage of the different technological tools and devices available nowadays, incorporating them to our students’ learning process in order to enhance creativity, innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, communication and collaborative work. We aim for our students to develop skills that are necessary for the 21st century, and which are fostered through the dimensions and elements introduced in the MAFI (mapa de aprendizajes para la formación integral).

In order to accomplish this we introduce students to the educational value of the responsible use of technology and digital tools in Preschool. So as to enrich learning from another field, we choose activities that relate directly to topics students work with both in English and in Spanish. As students progress to Primary School, the curricular content is enriched and supported by the use of technology, thus further promoting creativity and autonomy, as well as raising awareness about the risks and advantages of the internet and becoming familiar with a variety of programs that are essential to continue developing digital literacy. In Form 4, Primary School students are introduced to Robotics, an opportunity to develop programming abilities using Lego robots. This improves motivation, creativity, and critical thinking, which are essential skills for the world of today. In Secondary School, they are encouraged to reflect on the way they handle and look for information, digital ethics and the importance of citing sources properly, internet safety together with their digital self and the sensible use of social networks. Through every cycle, we encourage teamwork and the use of digital tools in order to promote collaboration.


Working in coordination and continuous communication with the teachers in the Department, we aim to achieve the following objectives with our students:

  • Understanding the role of technology in the world and its impact on present-day society
  • Exploring data processing and information analysis
  • Developing strategies to attain effectivity and safety when looking for information
  • Sharing information efficiently through different means and formats
  • Using technology as an instrument to investigate and develop content
  • Encouraging creativity, innovation, the integration of knowledge, autonomous learning, collaborative work, critical thinking, reflection, performance assessment among peers as well as self-evaluation

We understand educational computing as a means integrated to all the areas of teaching, with the purpose of promoting a more significant and creative way of learning. Our goal is to prepare our students for an increasingly technological future, providing values, reflection and the necessary tools for them to develop successfully in the globalised world we live in.

Head of Department Profa. Luciana Cavestany

Acerca del Colegio

El Colegio Seminario forma parte de la red de instituciones educativas católicas de la Compañía de Jesús (Jesuitas), presente en 127 países. Inspirado en la Iglesia y los valores del Evangelio, el Seminario procura una educación según la visión que la espiritualidad ignaciana ofrece de Dios, la persona y el mundo.



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+598 2 418 4075

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