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English Department - Preschool and Primary

The aim of the English Department is to help students become familiar with this foreign language and to consolidate its effectiveness as a tool through which they gain access to a wide variety of content areas.

During the last few years, the department has incorporated a number of new methodologies that help achieve the aforementioned aims.

At preschool level, the use of the worldwide renown ‘Jolly Phonics’ method (to be introduced in forms 1 and 2 in Primary School), makes the way for young children into the skill of reading a highly enjoyable experience. Through the work with rhymes, poetry and songs, used to learn the 44 sounds in the English language, students make noticeable progress at discovering words and shorts texts.

In order to foster opportunities that call for the use of English as a communicative tool in varied contexts, as well as the study of the language itself, a number of components in English have been introduced. While studying Drama, Music, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences, students integrate different skills, linguistic competences and contents.

During their last year in Primary School, form 6 students sit the Preliminary English Test (PET), a University of Cambridge international exam that certifies their level of English.
Research in language teaching, particularly of the English language, is conclusive regarding the benefits of reading.  Reading allows us to improve our perspective of the language, increase our vocabulary, and provide us with ideas which are then flushed in the writings that we do. But above all, it is a source of entertainment and pleasure. This is why we have embarked on a scheme of reading in which students have access to at least four books of different genres, in the year. So the school has purchased a large quantity of books that will be provided to students on loan throughout the courses.
Head of English Department Preschool and Primary: Ms. Daniela Nalerio

Director of English: Ms. María Inés Berasain

Acerca del Colegio

El Colegio Seminario forma parte de la red de instituciones educativas católicas de la Compañía de Jesús (Jesuitas), presente en 127 países. Inspirado en la Iglesia y los valores del Evangelio, el Seminario procura una educación según la visión que la espiritualidad ignaciana ofrece de Dios, la persona y el mundo.



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