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Horneros Movement


Horneros Movement

Horneros is one of the movements belonging to the Deepening Pastoral (Pastoral de Profundización), that, together with the whole academic and pastoral proposal, aims at “training men and women for others”.

Starting from a countercultural service proposal, Horneros seeks to bring adolescents closer to different realities, raise sensitivity towards them, and promote solidary work.

One of the main goals is to go deeper in the students’ growth and in their process of faith, in a context different from the curricular one, but supported by the principles of the Ignatian spirituality.

The ones who are responsible for managing this movement are the counsellors, the Coordinators of Baquianos and the Baquianos (ignatian volunteers). All of them will have to be a testimony and a guide in the process of the students. They will work as a team with the other members of the Pastoral Department and the educational community, deepening in the mission for which they have been called: “to spread the love of Jesus”.

By taking part in the activities of the Movement (service, Cottolengos, campaigns), the kids “nest hopes”, transmitting sacrifice and devotion to the poor, raising the hope that another world is possible.

General objectives:
  • To evangelize through education. The personal development of the person will be sought, placing an emphasis on the spiritual, ecclesiastical and service dimensions, especially to the neediest.
  • To promote an approach, not merely intellectual, to different realities, raising awareness, and, through work, train people willing to provide a positive and concrete answer to these realities of suffering.
  • To encourage inner knowledge, close and personally related to Jesus, triggering the desire to follow Him.
  • To develop the capacity and willingness to pray, personally and communally, as a privileged means of communication with God.
  • To invite students to a way of participating, in which the sense and the community lifestyle are developed.
Counsellors: Pilar Akiki and Agustín Mira

Acerca del Colegio

El Colegio Seminario forma parte de la red de instituciones educativas católicas de la Compañía de Jesús (Jesuitas), presente en 127 países. Inspirado en la Iglesia y los valores del Evangelio, el Seminario procura una educación según la visión que la espiritualidad ignaciana ofrece de Dios, la persona y el mundo.



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