What is Castores?

The Castores Movement belongs to the “Deepening Pastoral” offered by the School, continuing the work started at the MEI and in Horneros.

Castores works around three pillars or dimensions: Christian faith, service and community life. Those who take on the commitment that Castores proposes have the opportunity to deepen their faith through service to those most in need, sharing this process within a group over the course of three years.

The movement is based at the “San Alberto Hurtado” Pastoral Center (on the corner of the school), where group meetings are held. Service activities take place on Saturdays, at different times, depending on the service assigned to each group each year.

Castores' goals

For each year of their process in Castores, the group is responsible for a different service, which seeks to help them in their process of growth in responsibility, openness and commitment to those most in need. The services are:

1st year of Baccalaureate

Construction in family homes in peripheral neighborhoods or in housing cooperatives.

2nd year of Baccalaureate

Animation in parishes or snack bars, where we seek to transmit our faith, joy and hope through play.

3rd year of Baccalaureate

Accompanying abandoned or homeless elderly people, or people with disabilities, in the Cottolengos.

Activities and retreats



3rd Baccalaureate
1st, 2nd and 3rd year of Baccalaureate
Retreat to the Forest
3rd Baccalaureate
Closing of the Movement
3rd Baccalaureate
Pentecost Celebration
1st, 2nd and 3rd Baccalaureate

Photo gallery

Work with us

Send your CV to:
[email protected]


For inquiries, please write to:
[email protected]

For building inquiries, please write to:
[email protected]

Booking spaces

Write to us at:
[email protected]